How To Eliminate Mucus And Phlegm From Your Throat And Chest (Instant Result)

Coughing and breathing difficulties are often caused by nasal or throat obstructions. The phlegm in the lungs also contributes to these health issues. Even though it is not a life-threatening condition, it affects the quality of life. Moreover, if it is not treated, if may lead to more severe health issues.

What does phlegm represent?

Phlegm is a sticky substance that is secreted by the mucus of the respiratory system. Mucus membranes produce phlegm to protect the respiratory system. Namely, the mucus is very sticky, so that it traps allergies, dust and viruses.

Its function is to prevent infections, like cold. When the mucus concentrates in the chest and the throat, it leads to coughing. Nevertheless, increased concentration of phlegm in the lungs as a result of cold, bacterial infections, viruses, flu, may lead to severe health conditions.

In addition, it may lead to runny nose, weakened body, fever, cough and breathing difficulties. If the phlegm is not eliminated, it may obstruct the bronchial tubes, thus causing other health issues.

However, there are several natural treatments used to eliminate concentrated amounts of phlegm in the lungs and to sooth respiratory issues more effectively. Some of the most efficient are:

1. Ginger

Ginger represents a beneficial antihistamine and natural decongestant that has antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant properties. The ginger root can relieve throat and chest congestion by getting rid of the phlegm. To maintain your health and to treat respiratory infections, you should either drink a several cups of ginger root or consume 3 – 4 slices of ginger on a daily basis.

How to prepare the ginger tee?

You will need these ingredients:

• Two cups of water
• A teaspoon of honey
• A teaspoon of peppercorn
• 6 – 7 ginger slices

Preparation method:

In a pan, boil the water and add the peppercorn and the slices of ginger. When the water boils, cover it and leave it to boil for a minute. Simmer the mixture on a medium heat for 5 – 7 minutes. Leave the mixture to cool and then add organic honey. To eliminate breathing difficulties and prevent congestion, consume 2 – 3 cups of ginger on a regular basis.

2. Lemon and Honey

The mixture of lemon and raw honey can relieve the respiratory tract and sooth coughing. Both the lemon and the honey have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Moreover, the lemon contains Vitamin C, which prevents congestion and boosts up the immune system. Therefore, the acidity of the lemon breaks down the mucus.

How to prepare it?

You will need these ingredients:

• Two tablespoons of lemon juice
• One tablespoon of organic honey

Preparation method:

In a bowl, mix the lemon juice and the organic honey. Consume it 3 times per day in order to relieve infections and prevent congestion.

3. Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation is one of the most efficient home remedies for preventing chest congestion and eliminating mucus. Steaming will help you to restrain clogged mucus. For better results, you can try infusing water with some herbs.

You will need the following ingredients:

• 4 – 5 cups of boiling water
• Half a teaspoon of rosemary (dried)
• Half a teaspoon of thyme

Preparation method:

In a bowl, boil the water and add the rosemary and the thyme. Then, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. It will help you loosen the secretion. You can repeat the inhalation process several times per day.

In addition, you can take a shower steam twice per day. Stay in a hot bath for 10 minutes in order to break down the mucus. However, after taking the bath, you should moisture your body, because warm water dries the skin.

The benefits of steaming can be increased by adding essential oils that destroy germs, reduce inflammation and sooth congestion. For instance, tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that treat respiratory infections and irritated throat. Moreover, menthol oil soothes congestion and eliminates symptoms of asthma and sinus infections.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is rich in curcuma, which has powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties that reduce phlegm by eliminating bacteria that cause mucus. Moreover, it boosts up the immune system.

How to use it?

You will need the following ingredients:

• A teaspoon of turmeric
• A glass of water (warm)
• Half a teaspoon of salt

Preparation method:

In a glass of warm water add the turmeric. Then, add the salt and mix it well. You should gargle the mixture 3 – 4 times per day for several minutes. It will help you to treat respiratory infections and to get rid of phlegm in the chest.

You can also try gargling warm salt water. While the salt will help you to eliminate bacteria and reduce phlegm, the warm water will relieve the irritated throat.

To reduce phlegm, you should blow your nose, raise the humidity at your home, apply warm compresses on the affected areas, limit exposure to irritants, drink warm liquids, but avoid drinking cold drinks. Smoking also contributes to irritated respiratory tract and chest congestion.

Household cleaners and chemicals, paint fumes lead to irritated throat and lungs, and increased mucus production. To reduce congestion, you should consume spice your meals with pepper, chili, capsaicin, and garlic.

Source : greenhealthyplanet 

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