Do you remember the story about the man who shot Bella and Emmy? Bella and
Emmy were two dogs that were shot and killed near their Ohio home. The two
dogs, a Doberman and a Weimaraner, had gotten out of their yard. This all
happened on opening day of gun season, and Chedester was up in his tree stand
when they got loose.

Pete Byers, Emmy and Bella’s owner, and some of his friends hopped on some
ATVs and looked for them for hours.

Gunshots and yelping dogs were heard, no one was optimistic. The man
responsible, Mike Chedester, has admitted to killing the dogs.

Chedester was up in his tree stand, and when he saw the dogs, he just shot
them. Chedester then took their collars as trophies, took pictures of their
dead bodies and posted them on Facebook.

Despite admitting that he shot the dogs, he has pleaded not guilty to the felony

Under Goddard’s Law, Chedester faces fifth-degree felony charges for
knowingly causing serious harm to a companion animal.

The maximum sentence for this would be two years in jail plus a $10,000 fee
($5,000 for each dog).

Chedester says that the dogs were disturbing the deer he was trying to
shoot, and he acted within the law. Since his callous actions, Chedester has
been fired from his job at American Electric Power.

AEP released a statement saying that they expect a certain level of conduct
from their employees when they are at work and when they are in public. Rest in
Peace Bella and Emmy. Share away, people.
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find the original post here.