News of the horrific bombing which took place Monday night at an Ariana
Grande concert shocked the world far beyond Manchester, where the tragedy took
The devastating aftermath of the attack– which left 22 dead and 59 injured–
has broken hearts around the world; including the heart of 23-year-old pop star
Ariana Grande, who was unharmed.
Since the attack, Ariana has avoided social media and the spotlight. She’s
only posted one, heartfelt message on Twitter, conveying her sadness and
broken.— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 23, 2017
from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words.
When Patrick Millsaps, a film producer and father of three girls, saw
Ariana’s tweet, he was touched by the message but also compelled to write back.
Patrick posted his open letter to Ariana Grande on Twitter. The powerful
message has since gone viral. Check it out below:
An open letter to @ArianaGrande #ManchesterBombing #ManchesterStrong #arianastaystrong #ArianaGrandeConcert #love #hope #peace #song— Patrick Millsaps (@PatrickMillsaps) May 24, 2017
#1. You don’t have a dadgum thing to apologize for.
If some [idiot] had gotten drunk and killed someone with his car next to
your hotel in Manchester, would you feel responsible? If the night before your
concert, a tornado had hit Manchester and tragically killed several people who
were going to go to your concert; would you feel the need to apologize? You
see, you are no more responsible for the actions of an insane coward who
committed an evil act in your proximity than you would be for a devastating
natural disaster or acts of morons near your hotel. Your text was some stinkin’
thinkin’ in that regard.
#2. In your line of work, you have so many experts who are now
“strategizing” what you should do next (I used to be one of those “experts”
when I managed talent). Tell them ALL to go take a powder, give them the month
off, and tell them that if they call you within the next 30 days, they are
These “experts” don’t have a freaking clue what you are processing right
now. Spend time with your God, your family and you friends who will give you
space and support when you need it.
#3. When and only when you are ready, on behalf of all dads who love your…
um… whose daughter’s love your music, SING AGAIN.
Music is the international language of peace. Every time you open your
mouth and share that incredible God-given gift to the world, you make this
crappy world a little less crappy.

Hopefully, by some miracle, Patrick's letter makes it to Ariana and she
understands that none of this is her fault. There are always going to be people
filled with hate in the world, but when we stand together love will always
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find the original post here.