Through life our paths are crossing paths with other people. From our
parent to our children, from our brothers and sisters to our marriage partners.
According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under
different masks and different roles. The soul goes through this cycle of
physical incarnation because it has some kind of debt or obligation i.e. is not
entirely free. Through interaction with others we are given the opportunity to
free ourselves from the shackles of karma.

Karma is nothing but the result of the acts we did from the lack of love
and lack of connection to its source. Due to lack of love we are consciously or
unconsciously hurting others, or they are hurting us. Now we are in this karma
bank to resolve any residual loans, all by the law which is the same for
everybody. Karmic records are stored in Akasha (the memory of the universe)
that are not available to our conscious mind. But we can learn the lesson for
our merging through the feelings and emotions that others provoke in us. If a
person fulfills its goal, they move away from our lives. Some people make us
feel unpleasant when we are near them, so it is a bit of a relief to be
liberated from them.
However, we shouldn’t ignore these emotions and their presence in us. The
origin of them is within us. The mud and the dirt of our suppressed negative
experiences and unwanted emotional states of fear and pain are in the depths of
our beings. All people that we meet through life are our teachers, whose role
is to help us to release from the poisons we are holding to.
The first contact with a person takes place on a visual level, but usually
the attraction comes from another subconscious level, where there is a reading
of subconscious karmic records. Our karmic record and the karmic record from
the other person “recognize” the essential thing for clearing our karma and so
it comes to connection or entering in a relationship.
In a relationship we are not growing by expressing our best features, which
are not the real us, but by having conflicts. The moments of conflict are worth
of gold, because important things are happening. When we have our first moment
of jealousy we should ask ourselves: “Why I have this feeling? What is this
within me?” Don’t ignore this feeling. It is necessary to work on it to put
this wandering fragment that is not integrated and which seeks its place in the
mosaic. These fragments are the weaknesses of our personality. Maybe, we have
been outcast-ed in our childhood, and that rejection in our crucial period of
our lives made us a magnet for these kind of emotions. So in time, our
personality polarizes and disintegrates a particular emotional experience such
as fear, pain, hate, jealousy and so on, until one part of us continue to
function stably. We force our idea of stability in the relations with others,
but if the behavior of the partner is out of that idea and if we are not able
to understand some of their moves we are switching to fragments of fear, from
where our mind draws its beliefs.
Actually, our partner only plays its role in creating the mosaic of our
personality. But we cannot understand that because we see our partner as
someone who is trying to hurt us. There is a karmic thing in experiencing these
emotions. We are building a relationship with a person who in one distant past
had the same feelings for us. The idea of karma is not for you to suffer, but
to unite you both to unconditional love and spiritual integrity. Learn how to
act out of love – because I am a partner and a partner is I. They are the
ripped piece of us and we all are ripped pieces of this big puzzle. I am both,
the drop (me) and the ocean (all the people), because there is ocean in every
little drop. And as long as the relationships are not crystallize at this level,
people will continue the cycle of incarnation in different lives and different
This post was republished from enlightened-consciousness
You can find the original post