Noticing something strange, they stopped. Then they turned around and… went
toward the bear! Why? A closer look revealed that the poor animal's head was
trapped in a bucket of water. It turned out, he'd been stuck for eight weeks
already. He must have been simply desperate.
Dean tried to free him but the bucket was jammed on so tightly that he
didn't manage. A group of people gathered to help, including one person pinning
the bear to the very muddy ground.
Check out the video they took, all the way to the nail-biting finale:
For sure, none of them had ever imagined they'd have such a close encounter
with a bear. Thank goodness they all took the time — and risk — to help the
poor creature. It sure wasn't easy.
Dean and Samantha were perhaps better prepared than most, since they happen
to run an animal shelter called Happily Ever After Rescue. Their animals are
certainly in good hands — what a brave, humane pair!
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