Maybe many of the fathers will hate this article, but according to a
genetic study, it was discovered that we probably get a log of intelligence
from the feminine chromosome the X one…

The X chromosome has a thousand gene, and a lot of them have an impact on
perception. Many of the doctors believed that the parents both have an equal
effect on their child’s intelligence, till now. Yet this research was proven as
correct but also quite arguable.
Most of the studies are alleging that the genetics is a highly-complex and
miscellaneous research. Despite the strong debate, it is favorable to present
these discoveries with an objective mind. We hope that our readers find this
article to be as intriguing as we have. Many of the people are not so informed
when it comes to genetics and the what is the main role of X and Y chromosomes.
So, it’s very helpful to quickly go over a couple key facts. This will also
make this article much understandable. A chromosome is a thread-like formation
composed of nucleic acids and protein. They are transferring the genetic
information. Every person has one pair of chromosomes in each cell. The females
have two X chromosomes, the males have one X and one Y chromosome. Conditioned
genes, in the most primary sense, are those that are gender-specific.
As a rule, the genetic characteristic of conditioned genes are either
activated or deactivated depending upon the specific selection and, later on,
the genetic properties being affected. Conditioned genes constitutionally
contain a “tagging” system, which is created of biochemical material. This
system allows two valuable things: detect the gene’s point of origin, and
determination of an activated or deactivated state within the body.
The activated genes will have an impact on the genetic development, while
deactivated genes will not. The second fact is: if a single characteristic is
affected via the mother, the fatherly genes are deactivated. At the opposite
side, if a single feature is affected via the father, the maternal genes are
later deactivated. The structure of the conditioned genes forms the foundation
of the intelligence research. The related history cognition and the findings of
the study are thought to be influenced mainly by the X chromosome. Apparently,
women are more likely to have an impact on the cognition, as the females
possess two X chromosomes while men carry just one. Definitely, there is much
more hiding behind the theory than the number of X chromosomes.
This is where conditioned genes take apart. Intelligence is thought to be a
highly-conditioned gene, a conditioned gene that comes directly from the
mother. Scientists used genetically-modified mice to test their theory in this
study. They have found embryonic test subjects that were administered mainly
maternal genetic facts developed an improperly larger skull and brain while
developing a much smaller body.
Subjects managed improperly amounts of paternal genetic material developed
a larger body, but a smaller skull and brain. Additional to skull and brain
size, researchers were acquainted with some other interesting observations.
First, they identified six areas of the brain that contained only maternal or
paternal genes.
Second, they did not find any paternal genetic material within the
brain.The hypothesis that mothers have an improperly influence on a child’s
intelligence is not a new one. In 1984, the University of Cambridge studied
both brain development (termed “co-evolution) and genomic conditioning.
Cambridge sciences ultimately concluded that maternal genetics provide more
to the centers of the brain. Till today many similar discoveries have taken
place, like the experiment described above. In one especially evident study,
researchers at a governmental agency in Scotland followed a group of 12,686
people aged 14 to 22. Each year, researchers are interviewing the subjects
while notice intellectual development while considering different factors, from
education to ethnicity.
The scientists once and for all are stating that the mother’s IQ was found
to be the best predictor of intelligence. It is a conclusion without a doubt,
the conclusion of this and related studies connected to intelligence will
continue to be appraised and analyzed. No scientific study that makes an
allegation to the development of intellect will ever be fully accepted by all.
Yet, if there is one conclusion that can be reached it’s this: mothers have
a significant influence on their children’s cognitive capacity. It isn’t just
genetics, either. The nutrition of a child instantly influences their
intellectual growth – two responsibilities mainly overseen by the mother.
Moreover, the special bond between a mother and child supply stimulus for
them to research the world and navigate problems. Women play a much larger part
to the intellectual development of children than can be acknowledged by the
genetics experiment. However, the findings of these and other researches seem
to support the idea that our mom’s give us our brainpower. Thanks, Mom!…