No matter how much you love your spouse, arguing with them is pretty much
inevitable — especially when you have kids.
When you both work hard to do what’s best for your family, the stress and
frustration may become too much to bear.
So when this wife felt unappreciated by her husband, she got tired of
fighting with him. She tearfully left him alone with the children without any
sign that she’d come back. Just two days later, though, her husband decided to
write her a letter about his feelings, and you need to see what it says.

“My darling,
Two nights ago, we had a huge argument. I was exhausted when I got home
from work. It was 8:00 p.m and all I wanted to do was to lie down and watch the
You weren’t in a good mood, and you were clearly tired after having a long
day. You were trying to put the baby to sleep as the other kids were fighting,
and all I did was turn the volume up.
“Would it kill you to play a more active role in your children’s
upbringing?” you asked, turning the television volume back down. “You can help
out more around the house, too.”
“Hey,” I said defensively. “I work hard all day just so you could play in
the doll’s house all day.” The argument just kept going like that. I said
terrible things to you that I can never take back, and you screamed, saying
that you were sick of it all. So you tearfully ran out of the house, leaving me
to take care of the children on my own.
I was forced to feed the kids and put them to bed all by myself. When you
didn’t come back the next day, I was forced to ask my boss if I could take a
day off so I could take care of the children.
I experienced the crying and the tantrums. I experienced having to run
around so much all day that I didn’t even have a chance to shower.
I experienced being forced to heat the milk, getting the kids dressed, and
cleaning the kitchen all at once. I experienced being cooped up all day without
speaking to an adult. I experienced the inability to sit calmly at the table to
have a relaxed meal whenever I wanted, because I had to run after the kids.
I experienced feeling so physically and emotionally drained that I just
wanted to sleep for 20 hours straight, but had to get up a few hours after
falling asleep because the baby was crying. I lived two days and two nights the
way that you do, and I think I get it now.
I get your exhaustion. I get that being a mother is all about sacrifice. I
get that it is more tiring than being among corporate bigwigs for 10 hours and
making economic decisions.
I get how frustrated you must be to have to sacrifice your job and
financial freedom so that you can provide for your children. I get how
uncertain you are about the fact that your economic security now depends on
your partner and not just you. I get how hard it is to not be able to hang out
with your friends, exercise, or get a good night’s sleep.
I get how challenging it is, being locked up and being forced to to watch
the children while imagining what you must be missing in the outside world. I
also get that you become upset when my mother criticizes how you choose to
raise our children, because nobody in the world knows what is best for children
like their own mother.
I get that being a mother means carrying society’s greatest burdens. Being
the person that nobody appreciates, values, or remembers. I write you this
letter not just to tell you that you are missed, but additionally because I
don’t want to go another day without telling you: “You are strong, doing an
excellent job, and I admire you.”
I did not expect that ending. It looks like he learned his lesson the hard
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