“The old must be released so that the new
can enter.” ~ Doreen Virtue~
At the turn of 2017, I decided it was time to call upon
Goddess Kali to assist with various aspects of my life that urgently needed a
complete and radical overhaul.
Throughout 2016, I had picked up a variety of negative
and unhealthy habits, beliefs, emotions and feelings, including a few
entanglements with people who really didn’t have good intentions for a
friendship or who did not hold my best interests at heart. I knew that the time
had come to let go, however, I also knew it was not going to be simple or
straightforward and that I was likely going to cling to them unless I called in
some divine intervention.
I asked for Kali’s assistance because I have absolute
faith in her ability to discern what is going on with me. I allow her to remove
negativity and what is no longer needed, and to leave what is positive, healthy
and sill serving.
The moment I called in Kali she abruptly appeared and,
in all honesty, the last couple of weeks have been traumatic at times, which is
why it has taken me two weeks to complete this piece of writing.
I have been forced to see that many things that I
believed to be true in my life were quite simply illusions. However, I wouldn’t
ask for it any other way and I am grateful to Kali for showing up as soon as I
called her and for loyally remaining at my side as once-important parts of my
life disintegrated before my eyes.
Although this shedding of the old has been a turbulent
and chaotic experience, it was also filled with love and blessings—and most
importantly, it shifted and removed some of the things I knew I did not have
the strength to eliminate on my own.
A Kali goddess cleansing is not for the faint-hearted
and I would only suggest it to someone who is truly ready to let go of old,
stagnant energies that have been weighing them down and causing suffering, as
Kali’s energy is intensely powerful right now. The cleansing will unleash a
much-needed, unstoppable storm that will not slow down until the detoxing of
everything harmful in one’s life is over.
It is also vital to remain surrendered to Kali’s power
throughout the entire cleansing process as she does not only destroy, she also
creates, so it is essential that she is given the space she requires to
complete the purpose she has been called upon to do.
Here is why I strongly recommend calling upon Kali to
assist with a 2016 detox so that you are cleansed and ready for all that 2017
will bring:
2017 is a “1” year in numerology (2+0+1+7 =10) (1+0=1)
and the number 1 signifies new beginnings. Therefore, now is the time to
energetically move toward letting go of the old and getting ready for a brand
new start.
The number 1 represents the energy of rebirths, fresh
starts and brings with it powerful momentum and movement when it comes to new
ideas, inventions, and creations.
2017 has a very different energetic vibration compared
to 2016. While 2016 was all about endings, 2017 is a “1” year in numerology
which marks new beginnings, exciting new opportunities and possibilities.
However, these will only arrive if we are willing to fully let go of the past
and if we are open to receiving the wonders of the present moment, as well as
the future.
The intentions, actions, and deeds we are choosing to
focus on now, especially in the earlier part of 2017, will set the tone for what
we will attract, create, and experience over the next nine years (numerology
years run in nine-year cycles).
The most important themes during a “1” year are
flexibility and resilience so that we are mentally, emotionally, and physically
able to effortlessly accept and adapt to the continuous change that is
constantly floating our way.
Kali is one of the most powerful, but misunderstood,
Hindu goddesses. She is the embodiment of Mother Nature, the goddess of life,
death, transformation, destruction, endings and beginnings.
Kali, whose name means time, quite forcefully pushes us
out of our comfort zone by creating storms and lighting fires to cleanse the
old and make way for the new. The turbulence can be unnerving at times,
however, ultimately it causes dramatic shifts in our lives that empower us to
reach our full potential.
This goddess carries a sword of knowledge along with a
severed head that symbolizes the ego. These depictions express Kali’s ability
to slice through delusions so that we are freed from society’s limitations and
conditioning, and they also release us from anything that we have been blindly bound
and tethered to.
Kali opens our eyes so that we see our situations with
clarity and she gifts us the insight to firmly make decisions, let go of
fantasy and move toward the truth.
Kali is wild and untamable and she terrifies some,
particularly those who are threatened by strong, independent, fierce, dominant,
determined feminine energy.
This goddess does not bow down to societal demands and
expectations, she has her own moral code and ethical standards and she asks us
to let go of any preconceived notions that we may have previously held about
how we hoped or expected things should be and she asks that we keep our mind
positive and hopeful for the best possible outcome.
She comes along and shakes us vigorously so that we
have no choice but to accept that there are aspects of our existence falling
apart at the seams and that we have tried to cling to for far too long. Kali
brings with her a—sometimes painful—awakening to our true selves and
illuminates everything false around us. This allows us to come to the
realization that many things in our lives have been illusions and that we have
the ability to sever ties with anything or anyone that is inauthentic.
We can call upon the energies of Kali at any time
throughout 2017 and allow her to support us as we transition into this new
cycle and year and find freedom and fulfillment as we release everything from
the past.
It is important to remember that when we are asking for
this goddess’ assistance that we try not to tell her what it is we need. We
must have faith in Kali’s divine intervention if we are to get the results that
serve our highest good. Even though at first we may not fully understand why
certain things are beginning or ending, Kali is wise, compassionate, intuitive,
loving and fair and she holds our best interests at the center of her heart.
Kali encourages us to trust in the process and accept
universal order, despite how challenging it may feel. Often we want to hold on
to people, beliefs, habits or circumstances, even though they are unhealthy and
dysfunctional, simply because they feel familiar and change can feel difficult,
unsettling and chaotic.
The hardest ones to let go of are those that cause us
to repeatedly question, “What if?” However, these are often some of our most
limiting circumstances and ones that cause us to remain in the past, wishing
things were different. It is essential to keep letting go and trusting that
whatever is meant to be will come back around again if it has a place in our
Endings are a natural part of the circle of life and,
when we fear them, we remain stagnant and halt our own unique evolutionary
dance. Everything is energy that constantly vibrates; it is simply not possible
for anything to eternally remain exactly the same.
When something changes and comes to an end, it just
means room is being created so that something exciting and new can begin. Often
what seems to be a loss is actually the start of a beautiful new phase in our
Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to
and when we fear the change and cling to the attachment of what feels familiar,
we just cause our own internal suffering. Calling Kali is almost like jumping
into the deep end of the pool.
Swimming against the current won’t serve us and neither
will it serve anyone around us. We must have faith and allow Kali to come along
with a big, wide broom and sweep all of the dirt and dust away to freshen up
our lives so that they are cleansed and inviting for brand new beginnings to
Throughout this year we will find the courage to
release our attachment to anything or anyone that causes us harm in any way and
in doing this, we create space to invite new and positive experiences.
Although many fear Kali’s drastic approach, when we
really feel into this Goddess’ energy, we truly see that the only thing to fear
is fear itself. Kali will walk alongside us through the darkness as we bravely
tread on the ground that we have been too scared to wander before. She will
remain with us so that we are not tempted to flee from whatever has been
haunting us and keeping us repeating harmful relationship patterns.
In venturing beyond our fears, we gain the opportunity
to see things in a new light so that we can then unhook ourselves from anyone
or anything that has been holding us hostage due to oppression or fear.
We can then go through a dramatic transformation and
surrender to Kali to allow her natural healing powers to cleanse, revitalize
and renew us.
One thing for sure is that Kali unconditionally loves
and protects all of those who have faith in her and those whom she takes under
her wing. She will be there while all hell breaks loose and she will rise as
the calm breeze signaling the storm is over.
At certain times it may take every ounce of trust we
have left in us to surrender to this Goddess so that her love, wisdom and
knowledge can guide our transformation, but when we have gone through the
transformation there will be no doubt that she was moving through our lives
with care and precision, despite how ruthless it may have felt.
In 2017, there are various key dates when we can call
in Kali’s energy to assist us with letting go and starting over.
Each of these dates below reduces to 1:1:1, 1:11:1 or
11:11:1 in numerology, which signifies fresh starts and endings. Therefore, on
these dates the energy is enhanced for calling in Goddess Kali to assist with
opening and welcoming new beginnings—and for releasing old pain and letting go
of the past:
January 1, 2017 = 1:1:1
January 10, 2017 = 1:1:1
January 11, 2017 = 1:11:1
January 19, 2017 = 1:1:1
January 28, 2017 = 1:1:1
October 1, 2017 = 1:1:1
October 10, 2017 = 1:1:1
October 11, 2017 = 1:11:1
October 19, 2017 = 1:1:1
October 28, 2017 = 1:1:1
November 1, 2017 = 11:1:1
November 10, 2017 = 11:1:1
November 11, 2017 = 11:11:1
November 19, 2017 = 11:1:1
November 28, 2017 = 11:1:1
2017 is a year for transformation and heightened levels
of love and with Kali’s assistance we can move through it revitalized with
fresh energy, and with a renewed sense of excitement and adventure.
Most of all, we can transition through with love in our
hearts and a deep feeling of peace and harmony in our souls as we let go of all
that causes unhappiness and that is no longer necessary in our lives and make
way for an abundance of beautiful new beginnings.
This post was republished from elephantjournal.com
You can find the original post here.