and star gazers everywhere are in for a special treat this month, as a very
rare and beautiful supermoon will rise in the sky on the evening of Monday
November 14th. This will be a lunar event that’s almost 70 years in the making
and not since January 25, 1948 has a full moon been this close to Earth!

be considered a supermoon the location, timing, and phase of the moon must all
come together at certain points. First, the moon must be in either a visible
and illuminated full moon phase, or a dark and entirely invisible new moon
phase. Next, the moon’s orbit has to bring it around to the one point where it
comes the closest to the Earth. Finally, these two factors must occur at the
same time and coincide with one another in order for the moon to be called a
upcoming November supermoon happens to be a full one that is occurring when it
reaches its closest approach to Earth all month. While all full supermoons
appear super-sized and much larger and brighter than usual size, this one is
extra special because the moon will be the closest to Earth that it has been in
the last sixty-eight years!
to NASA, when the moon is so close to us “Its looming proximity makes the moon
appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter in the sky than an apogee full
moon” (apogee is when the moon is furthest from Earth in its orbit). Therefore,
because the moon will be at the nearest position to our planet that it has been
at in decades, while full, it will look like the biggest moon you’ve ever seen!
This is definitely something you don’t want to miss out on so mark your
calendars now and start counting down the days until November 14th!
addition to the scientific explanation of a supermoon, there are other meanings
and implications surrounding the occurrence of this special lunar event. Astrologically
speaking, the November 24th supermoon will occur when the moon is in Scorpio.
This brings about a very powerful, enduring, and resilient type of energy. It’s
survival focused and intense, yet determined and calm all at once. As such, all
of the ambitious and triumphant vibrations associated with Scorpio will be
brought to the forefront, which creates a lively burst of energy. If you
embrace the supermoon and welcome it in an optimistic light, then positive
effects will come out of it.
Check out the video below for a taste of what is to come:
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