This Juice is Excellent For Removing Uric Acid From The Body & Reducing Joint Pain

This juice is an amazing drink full of energy and benefits which will help you to solve your problems.


  • 2 inches of ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 whole grapefruit
  • 1 cup of chopped pineapples
  • Water

Mix all the ingredients in a blender. Drink this juice every day before meal.


Pineapple: Pineapple juice contains Brome lain, which appears to have anti-inflammatory activity. That’s why it is very good for the health of joints. Although pineapple and pineapple juice have been used for decades to relieve joint pain, investigators are just now starting to unlock the cellular mechanisms behind this natural approach.

Cucumber: Cucumber  is diuretic, so it is able to prevent kidney stones. Cucumbers also counter the effects of uric acid, which prevents inflammation in from conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout. Especially  is highly alkalizing and efficient in removing  crystal form of uric acid in joints.

Ginger: Celery helps to your body for removing of toxins and reduce the inflammation.

Grapefruit: Ascorbic acid or vitamin C present in grapefruit help to reduce the joint pain. Also, it contains calcium, which is the best in osteoarthritis patients.

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