her daughter, Sophia, was born, Pam and her family continuously get looks from
strangers, who impolitely stare at them and the baby. By now, Pam is used to
it, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt any less than when she first
realized what was happening.
was born with Down Syndrome and some people don’t bother hiding their intrigue
by asking rude questions. The mother says she’s even been asked if her baby was
when she first found out about her daughter’s disability, Pam was upset. But
the love of a mother took over and she quickly understood how beautiful and
truly precious her daughter is. She only hopes that others can see what she
why she was so taken aback by what happened to her one day at Tim Hortons
coffee shop with her daughter.
expected, some people were staring at them, but one couple walked up to them.
What the man did and said next reduced the thankful mom to tears, and she felt
the need to post an update about it on social media.

sat in Tim Hortons with my daughter as I do often. Two ladies sitting near us
started to stare and whisper. This is a pretty frequent occurrence for us you
see; because my daughter Sophia was born with Down Syndrome.
sat there and watched these two women crane their necks to get a better look at
her; completely oblivious to the fact that I was staring right back. Today it
bothered me. It really bothered me.”

then, a couple approached me, and I thought, ‘Oh great! More people who want to
take a closer look!’”

man greeted Sophia with a high five and a handshake, and Sophia smiled and
waved back. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, ‘I have a story I
would really like to share with you. But I am afraid I wont get through it
without choking up.’
gently encouraged him to share, because now I was curious. This interaction was
not what I was expecting.”

told me that he had watched the news last night. There was an interview of a
mother who had recently given birth to a child with a major disability. She was
on the news defending her decision to keep her baby. She was defending her
choice NOT to terminate despite her doctors encouraging her to do so.
said, ‘The point is, you never know a person’s impact on the world. You can
never know what a person is able to do unless you give them a chance.’
looked at me just before he turned to walk away and said, ‘You are a beautiful
person. Your daughter is beautiful. Congratulations!’”

immediately started to cry. There I sat in the middle of a coffee shop crying
into a paper napkin. That man was the first complete stranger to ever
congratulate me on the birth of my daughter Sophia. He was the first complete
stranger to recognize her WORTH. Her VALUE. Her BEAUTY.”

a world where my daughter’s life is whispered about, where she is stared at,
this man saw her IMPORTANCE.”
SHARE to tell this amazing mom how beautiful her daughter, Sophia, is!