oil has become almost ubiquitous in household products; it is used in instant
ramen dishes, shampoo and conditioner, makeup and skin care products,
chocolate-hazelnut spreads and nearly half of all packaged goods at any given
supermarket. Many manufacturers have turned to palm oil because it is so
cheap—until one factors in the cost to both human health (it is horrible for
your heart), and the irreplaceable rainforests both our global ecosystem and
the native orangutans depend upon.
date, over 90 percent of orangutan habitat has already been destroyed.
Additionally, smoke and debris from the fires are causing further damage to our
primate relatives.
problem with fire and smoke is absolutely dire,” said Lis Key, International
Animal Rescue’s communications manager in a Takepart interview. “Wild
orangutans and orangutans in centers like ours are badly affected by the smoke.
Some suffer upper respiratory tract infections, which can even prove fatal.
Some of the babies we’ve taken in recently have been suffering not only from
dehydration and malnourishment through lack of food but also breathing problems
from the polluted air.”
must wonder if a lower price point is worth the suffering and even possible
extinction of living beings.
it is not game over for orangutans yet, and there are steps we can all take,
right now: boycott products or companies that use non-sustainable palm oil,
write to companies that make products you use with this ingredient and tell
them you won’t support unsustainable palm oil, educate friends and family and
click here. A different ending to this story may yet be possible.