you ever wondered why the fat tissue mostly gathers on a certain part of your
body? Science claims that the distribution of fat is connected to certain
health habits and when you find out why you mostly gain weight in your stomach
or your thighs, you will easily pick up a nutrition regime and types of
exercises which will help you lose weight.
Here are the 5 most critical areas of your body and how you
should treat them.

1.The upper part of your body
fat tissue is mostly gathering on your stomach, back, shoulders, chest and your
arms up to the elbows. That happens because of malnutrition and lack of
exercises. Make changes into your nutrition which include taking from 500 to
1000 calories less daily, exercise 5 times a day, from 30 to 60 minutes and the
best exercises will be the cardio exercises (cycling, walking fast). You should
do those exercises with a tempo that allows you to talk with another person and
it’s not hard for you, writes “Zadovoljna”.
should also include exercises for the upper part of your body like push-ups,
sit-ups, chin-ups, extensions etc.
your organism gathers fat tissue mostly on your stomach, thighs and buttocks,
you should choose exercises for the lower part of your body and an excellent
choice will be circular trainings and cycling”.
2.The area of your stomach from your belly button and the
lumbar part of your back
you gain weight mostly in the area of your stomach, it could be a sign of an
excessive work of the hormone of stress called cortisol. Make sure you eat as
healthy as possible, eat lots of fibers, vitamins, minerals by combining
exercises which also include techniques for easier toleration of stress, like
yoga and pilates.
your stomach is constantly bloated (without the presence of fatty tissue on
your back) it could be a consequence of some difficulties with breathing or an
excessive consumption of alcohol. Lower the intake of alcohol or visit a doctor
if you have some breathing problems.
3.The area of your stomach from the chest up to the whole
a sign that you’re not physically active enough and you don’t eat very well
e.g. you skip your meals and overfeed. Try eating five moderate meals a day.
Eat smaller portions and healthy, low-caloric food as much as possible. Besides
that, be more physically active, walk, swim and practice some exercises for
your back and stomach.
4.The area of your stomach, thighs and buttocks
your body gathers fatty tissue mostly on this, critical “area” for many women,
it’s a clear sign that you’re not physically active enough. Focus on some
endurance exercises for the lower part of your body and an excellent choice
will be circular trainings and cycling.
5.The area of your stomach, buttocks and the whole legs
fatty tissue that takes over the lower part of your body including your leg
calves and ankles is especially a consequence of pregnancy. The advices for
this problem are the same ones as in number 4 e.g. the area of your stomach,
thighs and buttocks.